In recent geological times, (within the last 400 years) a glacier sat at the mouth of scenic Tracy Arm depositing large amounts of gravel and rock producing a recessional moraine bar which can be seen at low tides. The ebb flood of water into Tracy Arm has curved a narrow opening through which the Diamond Princess navigated. Once inside the bar, the water depths increase rapidly to over 1000 ft.
The tremendous steep fjord walls hanging valleys, waterfalls and glacially polished rocks all contributed to the great experience that awaited us in scenic Tracy Arm.
Message from the Navigator on Wednesday Morning: "This morning we will complete our southerly transit of Stephens Passage and make a large alteration of course to the north east to cross the shallow bar that marks the entrance to Tracy Arm. Avoiding growlers, bergy bits and icebergs (terms dependent upon the size of the ice) we will proceed along a narrow channel, a distance of some 28 miles. Upon our return to the Inside Passage, we will turn onto a southerly heading along Frederick Sound arriving at Cape Decision Light House at sunset. After an alteration of course to the east we will complete the remaining 160 nautical miles to our passage arriving at Tongass Narrows and the port of Ketchikan shortly after dawn."
Below is a view of scenic Tracy Arm. We travelled as close as we could to the Glacier without endangering the ship or the passengers.