The Villagers

The term "The Villagers" refer to a group of young men and women who resided predominantly in the communities of Calliaqua and RathoMill, in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.  The Villagers originated in the 1950s through the early 1960s when the group was in its prime.
The Villagers were brilliant middle class youngsters.  The majority had a  High School education, and they participated in many community activities while in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.  None of the Villagers or their offsprings have been on the wrong side of the law.  The Villagers' attitudes, actions and accomplishments were envied by many people.   The bonding, fellowship and notoriety among the Villagers were noticed by many Vincentians. 

The Villagers were members of the renowned Boy Scouts' and Girl Guides' Troops in Calliaqua.  The Boy Scouts and Cubs hiked around Saint Vincent  one year, and visited several islands in the Caribbean over a number of years.  Both the Boys' and Girls' Troops held joint camp fires at the Bay side at Calliaqua.

Every evening after school and work, the male Villagers congregated at the Calliaqua Bay side to play cricket and football.  During the night hours, all kinds of astonishing nocturnal escapades took place, all of which would be documented in a book, entitled "The Memoirs of the Villagers".

Partying was definitely one of the hallmarks of the Villagers. The Villagers knew how to throw a party, and how to party.  In fact, the Villagers sponsored a party every weekend at different homes.  These parties started out as shingdigs, whereby the males brought a bottle and the females brought sandwiches, etc.  The Villagers' trends and parties just evolved and evolved.  The parents did not object, hence the Villagers were on their way to history.

On many occasions, the Bridge Boys, a rival group from Kingstown, would enjoy crashing the Villagers' parties.  Despite the parties and nocturnal escapades, the Villagers were very religious. Many members were acolytes, and one member became a prominant priest, performing pastoral duties both in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and the United States.

Over time, the majority of the Villagers emigrated to the United States, England and Canada.  All of these Villagers excelled to become Doctors, Professors, Engineers, Lawyers, Politicians, Writers, Priests, and Business Managers in various fields. Although the Villagers are dispersed all over the globe, it is evident, that "Once a Villager is always a Villager".  It is impossible to forget the Villagers' experiences.   Whenever two or three Villagers get together, memories of the Villagers always erupt.  Since many of the Villagers are now parents and grandparents, it is important that some aspects the Villagers' traditions continue among the younger generations.  Stay tuned for the "Memoirs of the Villagers" Publications - these volumes are deemed to be best sellers.
Let's meet on earth before we leave for heaven.
This page was last updated on: July 23, 2024
Recognition of a Villager

Dr. Hughes Dougan is back
Staff Reporter, July 23, 2004

Dr. Hughes Dougan, one of the best medical practitioners produced by St. Vincent and the Grenadines, is back.
At present he is serving a two-year contract at the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital as a consultant general surgeon.
With 32 years experience in the field of medicine, 29 of which he spent practising in the United States, Dr. Dougan felt the time had come for him to return to his homeland.
"I felt that urge to return home. I felt that I could render some service," Dr. Dougan told SEARCHLIGHT in an exclusive interview on Monday afternoon. He added, "There is a deep sense - not necessarily giving back - but rendering a service."
On August 1, 1972 Dr. Dougan graduated from the University of the West Indies Mona Campus. And for one year he had the opportunity to enhance his skills while working as Dr. Cecil Cyrus' protégé. 
"Dr. Cyrus has had the most profound influence on my career," said Dr. Dougan while explaining it was the passionate stories told about Dr. Cyrus by his father that inspired him to pursue a career in the field of medicine.
In 1975 Dr. Dougan migrated to the United States, and did his general surgery training and practice of surgery at Morris Town Memorial Hospital.
Having the distinct honour of being a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, certified by the American Board of Surgery, Dr. Dougan on four occasions was chosen by his peers as the doctor they would recommend if they or their family needed general surgery.
On June 19th, five months after returning to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the Morris Town Memorial Hospital initiated the Hughes D. Dougan M.D. Award, which will be presented to the resident selected by his peers who exemplifies those qualities of devotion to patient care, attention to detail and excellence of surgical technique embodied by Dr. Dougan.
Dr. Dougan, the husband of Elaine and father of two sons Khari and Donyo, was given as a gift several pieces of equipment and hospital supplies by Morris Town Memorial Hospital.
Very soon Dr. Dougan, who operates at the Arnos Vale Medical Centre, will conduct laparoscopic gall bladder surgery.
"I have most of the equipment and we should get going sometime in August," Dr. Dougan disclosed.
"Since I've been back I enjoy most of my time in the clinic at the hospital. I love being with my people, I enjoy being home and I plan on staying."

People over 30 should be dead. Here's why ........... 

According to today's regulators  and bureaucrats, those of us who were kids in the 40's, 50's, 60's, or even maybe the early 70's probably shouldn't have survived. Our baby cribs were covered 
with bright colored lead-based paint. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets, . and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets. (Not to mention the risks we took hitchhiking.) As children, we would ride in cars with no seatbelts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pickup truck on a warm day was always a special treat. We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle. Horrors! 

We ate cupcakes, bread and butter, and drank soda pop with sugar in it, but we were never overweight because we were always outside playing. We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle, and no one actually died from this. We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then rode down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem. 

We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the street lights came on. No one was able to reach us all day. NO CELL PHONES!!!!! Unthinkable! 
We did not have Playstations, Nintendo 64, X-Boxes, no video games at all, no 99 channels on cable, video tape movies, surround sound, personal cell phones, personal computers, or Internet 
chat rooms. We had friends! We went outside and found them. We played dodge ball, and 
sometimes, the ball would really hurt. We fell out of trees, got cut and broke bones and teeth, and there were no lawsuits from these accidents. They were accidents. No one was to blame but us. Remember accidents? We had fights and punched each other and got black and blue and learned to get over it. 

We made up games with sticks and tennis balls and ate worms, and although we were told it would happen, we did not put out very many eyes, nor did the worms live inside us forever. We rode bikes or walked to a friend's home and knocked on the door, or rang the bell or just walked in and talked to them. Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had tolearn to deal with disappointment. Some students weren't as smart as others, so theyfailed a grade and were held back to repeat the same grade. Horrors!
Tests were not adjusted for any reason. Our actions were our own. Consequences were expected. The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke a law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law. Imagine that! This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers 
and problem solvers and inventors, ever. The past 50 years have been an explosion of 
innovation and new ideas. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all. And you're one of them?

Subj: Congratulations to Rachel Oliver
Date: 7/8/04
I would like to ask you all to join me in congratulating Rachel Oliver 
on being the recipient of the Cheryl (Phills) King Award for Community 
Service at the Girls' High School graduation exercises which took place 
in St. Vincent & the Grenadines at the Kingstown Methodist Church, on 
June 29th, 2004 . I feel it is important to encourage our young people 
in some tangible way and let them know that we love them, are proud of 
them and notice and support them in their endeavours. I also hope that 
it would encourage others to be active in their communities whether 
through the church, school, Girl Guides or any other such community 
organisation. Rachel was awarded a copy of my book, "Michael Manley & 
Democratic Socialism : Political Leadership and Ideology in Jamaica. " I 
would also like to congratulate Rachel's mother, Fran Oliver, daughter 
of the late Lorna & Will Oliver of Ratho-Mill. Will was a regular 
worshipper at St. Paul's, Calliaqua when he was alive . I would like to 
thank the Head-Mistress of my Alma Mater the Girls' High School, Mrs. 
Susan Dougan, and all involved in the process of the decision-making 
concerning this award . I want to wish Rachel all the best in the future 
and congratulate her on her graduation, also. She is  to be lauded for 
her fine qualities and involvement in her community.
Cheryl (Phills) King.
Rachel Oliver receives the Cheryl (Phills) King Award from the Governor General, H.E. Sir Frederick Ballantyne, on 6/29/04.
oPark Hill

Arnos o
Yes - The Villagers did have a reunion in 1984 - 20 years ago.
Can you recognize some of the faces below.
I believe that we were at Carmen Jack's home at Arnos Vale.
Thank you Carmen Phills for the pictures


Let us take a stroll down Memory Lane
To see if our youth we could regain
Yes, let us go back in time
When we were in our very prime
Say, who is willing to take a ride
And down the plum tree with me slide
Or just run over to "the hills"
Where we could get our spills and thrills
I think I would rather hang about
And wait to give Lutie a shout
I would be eager to check for the goods
Which she would bring from Southwoods
Or to Nennie Williams I would go
For a taste of that fantastic Kate mango
The thought of avocado and farine
Tamarinds and damsons, nice and green
Remember Epsom salts and castor oil?
Even now they make my blood boil
What better way to keep cool
Than at the sea in my own pool
So come with me and relive the past
Glorious memories to last and last!  

June Isaacs-Mascoll


Ratho-Mill! What a blessed place
Where every Villager had his/her own space
We were taught to be loving and caring
And knew the benefits of giving and sharing
If your parents had a little plot
They shared some of what they got
Your own fruit tree was not necessary
Every type was given away for free
Boredom? we never felt that emotion
For we were constantly in motion
Siblings to watch, errands to run
But in everything we had some fun
I recall playing home cricket
With my brother at the wicket
I would bowl most of the day
As a reward, I got a little play
At "Canash" we collected shells
Splashed in the sea and rode the swells
At "Calliaqua Bay" they did much the same
Turned the art of fishing into a game
In the vacation you couldn't run wild
No mother would harbour a "duncie head" child
You had to do tables, spell and read
Of course, you had to learn the Creed
At an early age we were made aware
Of God's love and his tender care
St. Paul's Church taught us well
As the evidence today could tell
We've done "The Village" proud, you know
For the way we were, is the way to go!

June Isaacs-Mascoll
About June Isaacs-Mascoll
Born on the island of  St. Vincent and the Grenadines to Talbot and Estelita Isaacs, June is the second child and oldest daughter in a family of eight children.  She was brought up in a strict Anglican faith which she still follows fervently to this day.  She currently worships at the St. Thomas Parish Church in  her adopted homeland of Barbados, and is very much involved in the work of the church.

June wrote unpublished poetry for many years, that changed, however, when a vain search for a suitable book of prayers for her twin grand-daughters led her to publish her first book "Prayers for Little People".  The positive response and encouragement generated by this publication led her to publish a book of poetry one year later, "Echoes of My Heart" and subsequently a book of childrens' poems titled "Poems for Little People".

June is also well-known for her "occasion pieces" and character sketches which are often composed impromptu. In 1999 one of her prayers was selected for inclusion in a publication titled "The Flowering of the Soul"  a book of prayers by women, edited by Lucinda Vardey of  Toronto, Canada.

June has two grown daughters and four grandchildren.

?Dougan?s Innings

By Steve Houghton

           An old cricketer's only real possession is his memory. In nothing else is he rich, in nothing else is he poor. As we sit back to enjoy another two days of exhilarating cricket at this year?s Sixes Festival, the highlights of the previous two years Festivals will be recalled. Aravinda de Silva?s 50 in the final against England in 1993, Sandeep Patel, Sanath Jeyasurya in 1993 retiring in every innings except the final Ally Brown in both 1993 and 1994. Brief, beautiful innings, etched in walls of memory.

The greybeards amongst us will extend discussion to other great innings played on the Padang including Tom Graveny?s 161, the Nawab of Pataudi?s 100 and Rohan Kanhai?s 80, all against Singapore. But, as surely as night follows day, someone will say ?Ah, but do you remember Dougan?s innings for Singapore against the M.C.C.?"

Pleasure, they say, has no logic. Indeed, in life there is nothing more unexpected and surprising than the arrivals and departures of pleasure. The pleasure given those two days in 1970 by the batting of Wavell Dougan was so unexpected, so fleeting, the impermanence of it elevating happiness, the memory of it still haunts Singaporeans.

The occasion was a two day match between Singapore and a strong M.C.C. side captained by A.R. Lewis who two years later captained England against India. The selection of the Singapore side had an interesting background to it. Wicket Keeper Pritam Singh had up to that time played second fiddle to Roland Stevens although he had made several appearances for the State side. Now, Pritam was to be given his big chance as Stevens was dropped for not attending nets. Pritam?s performance in this match would ensure that Stevens would never regain his place. Off spinner Sivalingam was preferred to the teenaged Muruthi who had already done well in representative cricket.

Now Dougan. Wavell Dougan a West Indian from Antigua (error - actually St. Vincent and the Grenadines) had been in Singapore for a few years serving with the Royal Air Force. A tall, powerful left hander and a brilliant stroke player, he had Somehow never really made his mark on Singapore cricket. Although stories abounded of him peppering the grassy knolls of the Changi cricket ground with enormous sixes in internal RAF station matches, he never quite secured a permanent place in the State team. Now, following a few good scores he was considered for a place in the side against the M.C.C. At the selection meeting, the British Combined Services representative Brigadier Eccles had apparently discouraged the selection of Dougan saying that he was only good on matting wickets. Dougan was eventually chosen but the position taken by Brig. Eccles at the meeting became known to Dougan. The amiable giant became sullen and withdrawn. He failed with the bat in a preliminary match between the Combined Services and the M.C.C. and on the day of the big match was totally lacking in confidence.

To the match itself. Geoff Boycott and Alan Jones, the itinerant batsman who played for Glamorgan, Northern Transvaal, Natal and West Australia opened with a partnership of 106. To the delight of the denizens of Balestier Road, Sivalingam then justified his selection by having Lewis caught at slip for 2 and then clean bowling Test batsman Graham Roope for 1. Three wickets had fallen quickly but that was all, for Boycott and Keith Fletcher then took the score to 315 for 3 dec., Boycott finishing with 149 not out and Fletcher 96 not out. In this big score, Pritam did not concede a single bye and, Premier League bowlers please note, there was not a single wide in the 67 overs bowled.

Jeffrey Jeremiah and I opened for Singapore but Jeremiah was soon out followed by Max Lloyd. Enter Dougan. Before the match he had been a wreck. Several overs of his medium paced swing had however calmed him somewhat. Now, striding out to the crease in front of 4,000 paying spectators, he was awesome in manner and bearing. His self possession appalled me. In what form thought condensed itself in Dougan?s mind between the release of the first ball and the lifting of the bat he used as a substitute for an axe, I do not know. Suffice to say he swept the first ball he received from England spinner Pat Pocock for four and next ball lifted him onto the City Council steps for six. I remember taking a single off Yorkshireman Don Wilson the first ball of the next over giving Dougan the strike again. The passions which agitated and changed Dougan?s normally expressive face seemed to have left him as his features settled into a marble calm. Once again, a four and a six off the first two balls. The crowd roared. This was not slogging. The strokes were brilliant, authentic and had about them the gleam of unreckoned gold. 20 off the first four balls he had received and this against two of England?s best bowlers! Gentle reader, please remember this was in the days before limited over cricket. On it went as he thrashed Pocock, Wilson and Blenkiron, the Warwickshire fast bowler unmercifully. I, in the meantime, carried on solemnly making twenty runs or so, my only contribution to the fireworks being a pull for four off Pocock which like a nut, I keep to myself after all these years, nibbling on it in private sometimes. All good things come to an end, however, and after 48 minutes only including the time taken by fieldsmen to negotiate the traffic and retrieve the ball from beyond the road, Dougan was out for 60 caught on the mid wicket boundary. His chanceless innings included 5 sixes and 4 fours. I am thankful for having seen it at close quarters.

The astonishing thing was that the England bowlers, having had an opportunity to study him, might have been expected to snuff him out quickly in the second innings. Not at all. To the amazement of all, Dougan repeated the feat, blasting the ball against and over the blue screens surrounding the Padang time and time again. This time, with Reggie da Silva holding a watching brief at the other end, he made 38 in no time at all.

            For these two innings, Dougan won the ultimate award for fine batsmanship - the Geoff Boycott seal of approval. Never one to be amused by sloggers, carters, and hoikers, Boycott later expressed to me at home his admiration for Dougan?s batting adding with an.unusual change of pace ?I bet his old lady gets some stick to-night?.

Many came to see Dougan batting in league matches after that day. Alas, they were disappointed. If we find pleasure in one place today, it is useless to seek it there tomorrow. Wavell Dougan never played such an innings again. Not in Singapore anyway. For the record, the Singapore team that day was: R. da Silva (capt.) (Police),  

W. Dougan (RAF Changi), M Lloyd (RAF Tengah), S N Houghton (SRC),  

J Jeremiah (SRC), K. Moorthy (CSC), J. Martens (SCC), Pritam Singh (SRC),  

R Tessensohn (SRC), S Sivalingam (CSC) and Roy Stevens (Royal Navy) 


Home of Cricket in Singapore

In Recognition of Dr. Ardon Arthur, alias Norris, Muckle

Dr. Arthur has a second profession.  He graduates on May 28th, 2005 with an Associate degree in Theology and Ministry, then he will be continuing for an advance degree. 
I am pleased to inform you and the villagers that Dr.Muckle will be graduating #1 in the class of 2005, with highest honors and has been named the VALEDICTORIAN.  He will also be ordained and licensed to perform Ministerial duties. He has already been booked for a wedding in April 2006. He does preaching engagements and has an active Outreach Ministry.
Fondest regards to Dr. Arthur and his family.
Click on the three dots above to mute and unmute the music.
Article to the Searchlight Newspaper in St. Vincent & the Grenadines  

Interactive Media Ltd. . P.O. Box 152 . Kingstown . St. Vincent and the Grenadines . Phone: 784-456-1558  
   Salute pioneers at Independence
Editor: On October 27, 2005, St.Vincent and the Grenadines will be celebrating 26 years of independence. 

This month let us take the time to thank some very independent pioneers in community and nation-building in St.Vincent. Some have gone on but their efforts have not been in vain. 

I speak of such persons as Mrs. Shirley Squire, Mrs. Edna Dougan, Mrs. Lucy Cato, the late Mrs. Beryl Stephens, Mrs. Phyllis Punnett and Mrs. Edith Toney. On my visit to St. Vincent and the Grenadines this summer for the Villagers reunion, it was very sad to read in the newspapers of the week of July 1, 2005, of the closing of the Calliaqua Day Nursery and Pre-School. 

One paper mentioned that the school had been in existence for forty years. Many persons have been involved in this endeavour over those years and the names of Mrs. Sheila Regis and Mrs. George Phillips come to mind, also the late Mr. George Phillips and Mr. Crispin Gurley. 

The concept of child-care for working mothers in the community of Calliaqua and its environs was a novel idea inaugurated and implemented by a group of selfless citizens who served the community and nation well with love and dedication. They volunteered their time and skills to help so many children over so many years. Of course, such a place could not have existed for forty years without the hard work of many people and we salute and thank them all. 

We also salute all of the other independent pioneers in other areas of SVG who are making a contribution to the lives of others and to the development of the country.

Congratulations to St. Vincent and the Grenadines on the attainment of 26 years of Independence this month.


Cheryl Phills King  
Please join me in congratulating Tamisha Browne, the 2005 recipient of
the Cheryl Phills King Award for Community Service awarded at the SVG Girls'
High School earlier this year. Tamisha is the second recipient of this award
which was presented at the graduation ceremony of the GHS on Tuesday, June
28th, 2005 at the St. George's Cathedral, Kingstown at 9:00 a.m. The theme
of the GHS graduation this year was "Fashioning resourceful minds to
overcome the challenges of a growing nation." We want to not only
congratulate Tamisha and her family but to also encourage her and wish them
all the best in the future. Good job, Tamisha, we love you & are proud of
you !!!
Love & Blessings,
Cheryl (Phills).King.

TRACY Michelle Hulda AUSTIN, was CALLED TO THE BAR, as a Barrister of Law, at the Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto,Ont. on June18th 2007.  Tracy who is the 27 year old daughter of Robertha (Geanie) Gurley of Villa and Thomas Austin of Edinboro SVG was one of three hundred lawyers taking the oath at the Law Society of Upper Canada convocation This happy occasion was witnessed and celebrated by family members including: Tom, Geanie, sister Karen & Grandmother Hulda Austin, Auntie Allison Gurley & Ken Fredricks, cousins; Barbara Toney, Grace & Henry Stephens. We wish Tracy great success in her future endeavours, good health, happiness and God's blessing.

Cheryl King Community Award at the
Girls' High School, SVG
- Congratulations to all -

2004 - Rachael Oliver
2005 -Tamisha Browne
2006 - Amber Glasgow
2007 - Lizanna Pollard
2008 - Jai-Len Williams
2009 - Rose-Anne Richardson
2010 - Lusha Lorraine
2011 - River Providence.
2012 - Breanna Antoine
2013 - Nikelene McLean
2014 - Kelsie Haynes 
2015 - Justine Farrel
2016 - Shantel Williams  
2017 - Maya John
2018 - Rhobyn Grant
2019 - Ashantae Williams
2020 - Paige Cadogan
2021 - Davisha Sayers
​2022 - Oslyan Ollivierre
​2023 - Anna Warrican
2024 - Aroma David
Verdine Cato, Joan Jack, Ernestine Roache, Margaret Lucas, Jean Providence, Eileen Radix,
Barbara Toney, Yvonne Robinson, Noreen Lucas, Jean Whiskey, Norma Duncan, Jacqueline Williams, Velma Archer.

Congratulations to all of our GHS sisters who have done so well.
Please also join me in congratulating all the  recipients of the annual Cheryl King Community Award. These community award recipients exemplify the principles of  "selflessly being positive, doing good and striving to make the world a better place by their actions."
I salute them all and wish them much success in the future.

Love and Blessings,

Cheryl (Phills) King
From L to R: Joel Toney with back to us, Irma Dougan, Vin Phills, Carmen Phills, Pat King,and Artie Phills.
Front:L-R: Irma Dougan, Ray Dougan and Reisha Phills on his lap, Hugh Dougan holding Daryl Phills, Asquith Phills
Standing: Sue Dougan, Carmen Phills, behind Carmen ?, Sylvanie Phills, Artie Phills, Joyce Toney, Val Phills holding Janel Phills, Vin Phills, Barbara Toney
This article was copied from the Vincentian Newspaper (9/2016):
New President For The Rotary Club Of St. Vincent

Ambassador Joel G. Toney, new president of Rotary Club of St. Vincent.
Fri, Sep 02, 2016.  Following a long list of distinguished business leaders in St. Vincent and the Grenadines over the past forty-five years, Ambassador Joel G.Toney is the new president of the Rotary Club of St. Vincent for a one year term 2016 to 2017. At a Rotary Club meeting and press briefing at the Grenadine House in Kingstown on Thursday, August 25, 2016, Ambassador Toney outlined plans for the new Rotary year, and introduced his new executives.

The new executive includes Joel Toney – President, Kirk Da Silva – VP, Earl Tash – Secretary, Reuben John – Treasurer, Laela Constance – president-elect, and Directors – Francios Trousour, Viktor Hunt, Joe Sheridan, Don Providence, St Clair Thomas, and Bob Haydock, Sergeant-at-Arms. The Assistant District Governor for the three Rotary Clubs in St. Vincent and the Grenadines: Rotary Club of St. Vincent, Rotary Club South and Rotary Club of Bequia is Brian Glasgow.

The Rotary Club of St. Vincent is a chartered member of Rotary International, an international service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build good will in the world.
Five years ago, Joel Toney, a businessman, returned to St. Vincent and the Grenadines with his wife, Dr. Joyce Toney, to live, after spending over forty years in the United States. During his time abroad, Joel worked in Corporate America as a business executive with organizations including Xerox Corporation and Equitable Life Insurance Company. Mr. Toney served in the United States Army in Germany where he attained the rank of Specialist E5 and received an honourable discharge.

In 1980, Mr. Toney was asked by the cabinet of government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to establish the Permanent Mission of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to the United Nations. He was later asked to set up the Consulate of SVG in New York, and the SVG Mission to the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington, DC. He served simultaneously as SVG’s first Ambassador to the United Nations, Consul General in New York, and Interim Representative to the OAS. All three portfolios were conducted from the UN office in New York City with a small staff.

Mr. Toney has participated in many international conferences, including those of the United Nations and OAS. He was Vice-Chairman of the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines delegation to the sessions of the General Assembly, as well as the Third United Nations Conference of the Law of the Sea. Ambassador Toney was chairman of the Latin American and Caribbean Group of the UN during the Falkland Islands/Malvinas War, and testified before the Security Council.

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The Cheryl Phills King Award
Started in 2004, the recipients of this award have been:
2004 -Rachael Oliver; 2005 – Tamisha Browne; 2006 – Amber Glasgow; 2007 – Lizanna Pollard; 2008-Jai – Len Williams; 2009 – Rose-Anne Richardson; 2010 – Lusha Lorraine; 2011 – River Providence; 2012 – Breanna Antoine; 2013 – Nikelene McLean; 2014 – Kelsie Haynes; 2015-Justine Farrel; 2016 - Shantel Williams; 2017 -Maya John; 2018 – Rhobyn Grant; 2019 - Ashantae Williams; 2020 - Paige Cadogan; 2021 - Davisha Sayers; 2022 - Oslyan Ollivierre ; 2023 - Anna Warrican; 2024 - Aroma David.